Michael came after Parker this afternoon. We grilled hamburgers for supper. Aunt Merry, Ora, Brad, and Shelley had supper with us. Parker liked the tricycle that Pappaw built for her several months ago. She will grow to it.
Since Michael & Priscilla are both working on Monday, Parker will be staying with us this week-end. Michael brought her down this morning and spent to day with us. I kept Michael busy helping me all day.
The Nashville School District hosted a retirement reception for Shirley and the other five retirees. It was very nice. She was surpised by Ashley, Priscilla and Parker coming. Also, Nikki, Ashley's friend, came with them. They stayed afterward for supper.
The Lord continues to bless us with a good garden. We enjoyed our first squash this evening. So far, the tomatoes, peas, beans, corn, squash, peppers, cucumbers and orka are doing okay.
Both Michaels have birthdays in the month of May. Michael & Ashley couldn't come but the rest of us had dinner on Saturday Night. Several pictures were made of Parker.